
Monday, January 14, 2008

Moderate Monday

Today was fairly uneventful until around 2:45. Moma fell again (fall #4 that we know about). This time she was closing her favorite door and lost her balance. She bit the dust in my living room, skinning her knee and elbow (small scrapes on her ankle). She was very humble when I got home. Very very confused, but very humble.

My sister mentioned the N word again today, but this time to me. I just don't think I can bear to do that. I am so afraid that someone would be mean to her (with her 4 different personalities). One of her personalities is smart and hateful, and I can just see someone pulling on her or being mean to her. I cannot bear that. The other three personalities are tolerable. Although the rambler might get next to someone whose hormones are raging. After the fall today, she was just Moma. Very confused, and very humble, but Moma. Thankful for "all you do for me", and for her family, she offered my sister and me anything she had that we wanted. Bless her heart, she thinks she has a ton of money, and she has very little.

I am open for any suggestions. Just don't use the N word.

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