
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tears and the Status Quo

As I have said OVER and OVER, I am a status quo person. I need my structure. I need a routine. I like this lifestyle....same ole same ole. Never did like surprises or change. And don't say it is because I am getting older! I've been this way all my life. One time, when I was about 8 years old, my parents decided to put our house up for sale and move. I stole the For Sale sign countless times. Change is overrated (Sorry Barack). So, what am I leading up to? Okay....here goes....try to keep up.
My sister was in a wreck back in (uh....)December (?). So, she has been having major neck and back troubles. She made a doctor appt. for Wed. of this week, which is her day off, which is the day she stays at my house with the Precious Princess. My sitter also had an appt. for blood work because it is also her day off. Duh....where does that leave me? Taking a day off that I did not want to take. Now remember, Monday was a holiday and I asked the sitter to go ahead and come in to work so I could get things done (dentist, keys made, check on windshield for Bek's car, etc. You get the idea.) She called at 6ish am to say that her doctor had changed her medicine and it was making her dizzy and she was vomiting. Great! Now, I know she couldn't help it and I am not blaming anyone (just the Payne luck). So, I call and reschedule the dentist, and forget all my other errands and plans. (sigh). I call her Monday evening, and she says she is still a bit dizzy but will be okay. Well, the dizzy demons had other plans. Her husband called me at 6:30 this morning (yes, I was dressed and ready for work and my afternoon doctor appt. in B'ham). I am about to go crazy, not to mention that the PP had gotten herself up at the crack of dawn wanting coffee to settle her stomach (because she had OVER eaten the night before, which I failed to report on, sorry). Now, if you know my companion, Anxiety......He is not my friend. Yes, I am freaking out here. (Stop thinking bad of me, I am not blaming ANYONE!! I just hate change. I am an organization person.) My sweet husband, who I will reward later, said, "Go to work, I'll stay". WHAT A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, my other companion, Guilt, stopped by. I tried to tell him that he should go to work and I'd stay. He insisted. Now I know why God sent him my way in 1984. He's my ROCK. So, off to work I go. I make all the necessary preparations for being out on Wednesday. On my way home from the doctor, my niece called to offer to stay with Moma Wednesday so I could work. I was hesitant (the change thing, plans were already made). I told her I'd call her back. I did! within 10 minutes to say "YES". So, she is coming to my rescue tomorrow. All smiles here.
None of that had to do with Moma. Here's her deal for the day. When I got home, I immediately began fixing supper. Kerry got up to go to his office and check emails, etc. Moma came in the kitchen and said, "I have to go lay down". I told her that was fine, and then I looked at her, I said, "Moma, you look like you are about to cry." She said, "I'm trying not to." And then she went into a spill about how sad it is not having anyone, nobody comes to see her, and her pastor hasn't even visited her. and on and on. It was pitiful. But then she looked at me and said, "Did you know that I was your aunt?" Oh me............it's the twilight zone again.
My hands hurt from that long post. TTYL


cosby2 said...

Bless Moma's heart...trying not to cry. It's sad seeing the people you love get old and forgetful and just not being able to do the things they love. Sounds like it's been a "more than usual" stressful week for you too. Just try to do your best...that's all you can do. I hope that Kerry has been rewarded :)

Julie Payne said...

Kerry was richly rewarded. He is sitting back on his "honches" like a big dog. lol