
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Moma looks like Christmas just wore her out. The truth is SHE wore Christmas out. She bossed everyone who would listen to her that day! lol By the way, don't comment and tell me how cute she is. Spend your 2 week Christmas vacation with her and then tell me how cute she is. LOL

She has been hurting today around her rib cage. Not sure if she has some fluid on her lungs, cracked a rib, or just pulled a muscle, but she has been in a good deal of pain. I have had to hold her down though, she loves medicine, and would take it every 30 minutes. You know, princesses do not tolerate pain at all (and according to them, they shouldn't have to).

I go back to work Monday, so look for a better attitude from me! All SMILES here!

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