
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just waiting on the clowns

I am just waiting on a tiny car full of clowns to show up. I truly am living the life of a ringmaster. Moma gets crazier and crazier with each passing day. And it seems just as soon as she has a clear day, she spirals downward into a sea of insanity. Today, she kept referring to "that womern" (which translates to that woman). I realized she was talking about ME. She usually gets confused really bad mid-week because my sister stays with her on Wednesdays and the sitter is here Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. But no, she wasn't referring to them, it was me.
And her latest habit is rising bright and early every morning with me about 5:30. Imagine me trying to get ready for work and her asking 40 million stupid questions. Those of you who know me, know that I DO NOT SPEAK IN THE MORNINGS!!! to anyone, for any reason. And she wants coffee and breakfast. THIS I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR IN THE MORNINGS!
And have I mentioned her new favorite phrase? Shut-up! Isn't that precious??

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