
Sunday, January 18, 2009

No More Subway!

Today has been fairly typical, but I don't think I have ever shared this typical behavior. The story goes like this.
Today was Kerry's day to go to church. When Moma asked, I was explaining that today is our pastor's last day, and that Kerry had gone to church. She talked about it many times. Later in the day, she saw me getting ready for the reception. My son was going to stay with her while I went; Kerry was already there at a deacon's meeting. It was 3:15. She asked if we were going to have any supper and who was going to stay with her. I kept telling her that I'd be back for supper and I'd handle it. Anything "different" makes her totally crazy. So, the reception was nice and we got home around 6:20. Immediately, she began to question the supper issue. When she got NO results to her query, she got up and said, "I'm going to go to bed if we ain't having no supper". We laughed and told her we would get some supper. After some discussion, we decided on Subway. Now, Moma HATES Subway, but if we don't get her one of the sandwiches when we get one, she tries to die. And of course, she complained from the minute she began unwrapping her sandwich until I took it away from her (I realize I am dragging this out). This thing that she does when we eat drives me crazy! While we eat, she peeks around the napkin basket in the center of the table. She is making sure that she has everything everyone else has. God forbid you get chips that she don't, or a pickle or ANYTHING. Be sure there is enough for her, or don't eat it. She inspects everything on everyone's plate. And, as you well know from former posts, she'll either remove things from your plate or add things to it. It makes me want to eat in a cubicle.
When she got up from the table, she said, "Next time, leave me out of this! I'd rather have a plain round hamburger!"

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