
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A day late and a dollar short

Seems like lately, I am always one step behind. My mood at the present is dark. My principal has been transferred to another school. I have a hard time with change. More than likely our assistant principal will be moved as well. This really hurts because he is one of my very best friends! What is it about change? We seem to resist it unless it was our idea (This change would NEVER have been my idea) I am a status quo person. So, I am wallowing in this.
Yesterday morning, Moma woke me up asking why I was still in the bed (@7:00).  Her next question is always "Are you sick?" I said, "no, not sick". She said, "Well I know one thing. You are heart sick because you love someone who isn't here. I understand, I've been there". WHAT DOES THAT MEAN????????????? I mean, is she forecasting the future?  Does she know something that I don't know? It made me feel all creepy inside. Any ideas?

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