
Friday, October 17, 2008

Here she comes....boogidy boogidy

Remember that Ray Stevens song The Streak? When we see or hear Moma coming, we all now chime in with "Here she comes, boogidy boogidy" like he does in the song. My son sings his own rendition of it, but it is not suitable for online publishing! lol
Last night she was a little subdued, more cooperative, almost sweet. Although the sitter reported her being crabby. So today when I got home, and the sitter reported "crabby" yet again, I was hoping she'd be subdued again. Well...no.
She nearly loses her mind over when we are going to eat. Kerry was late getting home, so Christopher and I ordered pizza (which she hates!) and I sent him to get it. Meanwhile, I fixed her some chicken noodle soup, thinking that was a good choice since the weather is cool tonight. She ate, and went promptly to her room to watch "Wheel", the preference of all old people I know. (I don't get it). Anyway, Kerry came in before the pizza arrived. He predicted that she would swear that she had not eaten. No sooner than Christopher came in with the pizza, she strolled into the kitchen and declared, "Well I see you started without me". We all fell out laughing. No amount of argument was going to convince her that she had JUST eaten and that she did not like pizza. Nothing would do but that I give her a piece, which she took 2 bites off and tried to give to everyone in the room. Then she was going to feed it to the dogs. We always put the dogs on the deck while she eats, so jokingly, I told her if she fed that pizza to my dogs, I'd put her on the deck. We all laughed. I could tell she had no clue what was so funny. lol
She finally settled down and went to her room. About 20 minutes ago, I caught her in my bathroom (where she gets in most of her trouble) prowling through the closet in there where I have stashed all my things to keep her out of them. There is one of those hook and eye locks way up high on the door, but she used her cane to pop that open. All my Bath and Body Works lotions was strewn all over the closet. My shampoo and conditioner which I also had to take away from the tub area was strewn. She had put the dog shampoo in the container with our toothbrushes and my contacts. (I recycled laundry detergent buckets to store all my things in to keep her from messing with them in their NORMAL places). She had moved towels, squeezed out conditioner from a tube, dumped out Q-tips. It was as if a 4 year old had been in the closet playing. SHE WAS....augh! Needless to say, I lost it with her. She knew I was mad, and I don't care. I am so sick of her messing in my stuff. That is my one pet peeve. RAMBLING!!! and MESSING!!! I threatened her with locking her in her bedroom at night. She said I'd be sorry if I did. She'd probably throw things out the window.
I know this is a long post but I must share the events of the wee hours of this morning. I heard the water running in my bathroom. It ran and ran. I got up, thinking it was at least 5:00. There the precious princess stood in my bathroom with soap up to her elbows, the water running, and she was picking up everything in my bathroom, just piddling. My things (obviously) are now in the closet so most of the things coated in a film of soap are hers, but still. She had taken the Lysol wipes (for the toilet, when she soils it, which is many times a day) and was wiping her arms with them. I was ready to stomp her. I grabbed the towel, wiped off the counter, stuck her hands under the water, then turned it off. Threw (yes, I threw it) a towel at her and said, "Dry your hands! and get your tail in the bed!!!" Then I proceeded to let the dogs out because I thought it was 5ish. Nope it was 2:00. I had to put the dogs back up, and get back in the bed. I couldn't hardly sleep for fuming at her.
If you are a praying person, please pray for me. I asked God last November to bless me with what I needed to do this. And He did. Well, I need a new blessing! A blessing to endure my precious princess blessing.

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