I know summer was officially over in September, but I feel like here in Alabama, our summers overlap into October. The temperature usually does. It is so sad when I see all the summer things go on clearance. I went to Lowe's this weekend, and all the summer things were being moved and the Christmas trees put in their place. Summer is my favorite season (although I love all the seasons!), but summer holds a special place in my heart.
As a little girl, summers were spent in the sunshine of my backyard while my grandmother hung out clothes, playing with my dog "Puddin'", swinging on my swing set. My Dad would take us swimming on his days off. We also used to play in the back alley digging holes. The man behind us who used the back alley complained to my grandmother. She defended us to him and then told me to get back there and fill it back up! She used to say, "You march yourself in this house". lol As I grew older, and didn't need someone to "keep" me while Mother worked, I spent summers sleeping late, watching TV, and EATING! While Mother was out of the house, I ate everything! lol Later I spent many summers in college, then working, then having babies. I never liked the sun as a younger person because of my fair skin, but after my babies were born, I became this sun goddess. I love to lie in the sun with a book and a Diet Dr. Pepper. I baked my skin to the point that I am no longer prone to burn. But this past summer was the end of a journey I made with 10 other people. I began my Ed.S. with 10 total strangers (most of them from Georgia) and ended it graduating with 10 friends. Several of them became very special to me! I love you guys!! You know who you are. There will be other summers, and more memories.
Ahhhh reminiscing. Okay, enough.
Today, Moma has not slept more than 15 minutes at a time. She has not been as nasty as before, but she has been busy. I bathed her today, and made her wash her hair. She hated that! And tonight...she called me Peggy. Precious.
Oh! One funny...today while I thought she was asleep, I went out to pull up my geraniums for winter and had to go in for some water. There she stood holding herself and grunting. She looked up and saw me coming in. She said, "I need some help down there in my room!" I said, "Help doing what?" She said, "Well, after that bath deal, my room is torn up!" I walked down the hall...the "torn up room" consisted of her bath chair not being back in her room, no bag in her garbage can (because I emptied it), and her potty chair moved back so I could empty her garbage. Torn up....wonder what she thinks about my house?
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