
Monday, September 1, 2008

Brand New

Today, it was like I just unwrapped her. She had no clue where she was. She kept waiting on that "womern" that brought her up here to take her home. She asked 6,000 questions about who lives here, and when did she get here? She asked where my bathroom was, and again where my mother was. I am not sure if she is looking at me like a little girl or if she thinks I am Rebekah or if she is just looking for Mother.
Her balance was awful today, and she complains of being light headed. But her apetite is DEAD ON. She has eaten a little of everything in my house today. I made chocolate oatmeal cookies for us to have with supper (as we did our own little Labor Day thing) and she said, "OOOh there is my chocolate candy!" She would have eaten the whole pan if I'd let her.

There is just a nagging feeling that the angels are near. I don't mean that I am waiting around on her to die, but I can't explain the feeling. I just pray that when God does take her that if is a peaceful experience and not something traumatic for her. She is the biggest drama queen I know. So Lord, let her go quietly.

Happy Labor Day!

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

I pray that she will go like dad did. If you remember, he had the sweetest smile on his face early that morning, and about 5 am asked if he could have one of those little frozen ice cream cones. Then died so peacefully around 8 am surrounded by all who loved him and with our "sweet" little dog Sami in his bed :)