
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pay My Bills One At A Time!

Wow! Today has been one of those days that I have tried to cram so much in that it is now 10:00 pm and I am like "Where did time go?" So...short post.
Last night, Moma appeared quietly in the kitchen behind me. As I saw her out of the corner of my eye, she was going toward the microwave. I heard her say, "8:48". Then she turned to me and said, "That bill over there is $8.48. I'm going to pay that one, but I think I am only going to pay my bills one at a time....you know, when they come in." I said, "Uh-huh" about to burst out laughing. Then she proceeded to tell me and Kerry all about her and her sister going to town tomorrow and paying the insurance, and on and on and on. Kerry was making me laugh. I could have killed him. Some times....laughter is the only thing I have.
Sigh...tomorrow is blessed FRIDAY!

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