
Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Catch Up, and then there's Today.....

So much to write! She has been in rare form! Buckle up....this may be a long ride.
Friday night, the kids were gone and Kerry had to be somewhere so Moma and I were "home alone". She was pretty good, but she was needy. "Will you take care of me?" "Will you check on me?" but like I said, not too bad. My friend, Kelli, came by to see her. She began to rag her about her clothes (as usual). It was a spectacle that I was embarrassed about. She finally told Kelli to get rid of her dress. She is not, by any means, an authority on style. There is a video that I am uploading to youtube. Will post as soon as I get it uploaded.
Saturday was the same song  but a totally different verse. NEEDY doesn't describe her good enough. She was "a-dyin'" at breakfast. And it was something every 15 minutes all day long. Now, there is nothing I hate worse than that victim mentality, but I had it Saturday. I was itching to get in the pool (the Wal-Mart pool that I lovingly refer to as Payne's Pool and Patio Party). I would get her settled in bed, and she would be asleep, but the very minute (and I am NOT exaggerating) that I put one toe in that water, she'd bellow my name! I keep the monitor outside when I am in the pool. It's like she knew, but she couldn't have. I was ready to kill her and drink martinis over her dead body by late afternoon. Then, because of a misunderstanding, my trip to Riverfest was canceled. And I found myself at home alone again with the Princess. I made her a steak sandwich and ordered me up a Hawaiian pizza from Dominoes with an order of cheesy bread to serve at my pity party. She hates pizza and was in bed when it came so forget trying to make me feel guilty. She hollered in her sleep, and cussed some people, and then welcomed someone in (all in her sleep). She also sang and begged God to let her live to be 100. You should assume that she was still throwing birthday hints all weekend, because it is so redundant, I am tired of talking about it.
But Sunday (SUNDAY! as Al Roker would say), she was really a pistol ball! She sang at the breakfast table so loud I thought surely the neighbors would hear. She made up songs. She sang to Jesus that it was her birthday. She sang praises to him, but also reminded him it was her birthday. She shouted, lifted her hands and spoke a little "foreign tongue". She stomped her feet and clapped her hands. It was truly a sight to behold and I didn't video it because I was afraid I'd miss something. This was an event that my friend Cheryl would have delighted to be a part of. Moma and Cheryl have that COG thing together. After lunch, I took a dear friend to a funeral, and left her with Christo. He said she was fine. But of course, when I came in....she  was up and at 'em. She followed me around. She kept asking if nobody was going to swim. So I put on my bathing suit and went out there. For some reason, she is content to sit on the deck and watch me in the pool. Mr. Payne was cutting grass and it was all over the surface of the water, so I went to work skimming. Then he skimmed when he got through. Moma kept asking him what was in the water that he was getting out. He ignored her. Finally, she said, "I guess it's full of shit". Of course, being the 12 year old that I am, I fell out laughing. When the pool was clear, we got on our big "rocker" floats. She stood at the door, and begged me to dump him over. Then she begged us both to dump the other one. We call that "instigating" in middle school. The rest of the evening was fairly uneventful. She did talk just about all night in her sleep.
Then this morning, she got up and ate, and began her dying act. Got her back in the bed, did my walking, and got in the pool. She got up! (never fails) So I sat on the deck with her awhile. She eyed Rebekah's pants I had hanging to dry and asked whose they were. I told her and her reply? "She must have a big ass". Nice. Then the hospice aid came to give her a bath and she referred to her as "that black bitch". The urge to kill was so strong at that point. Today is her birthday, and she is 98, but she may not live much longer if she doesn't level off soon! Will post pictures from the "party" tonight later.

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!!!