
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Miraculous Healing

I am not sleeping these days (or nights). There is something that just simply is making me crazy when I lie down. It could be the chlorine from the pool drying out my skin (or maybe I'm allergic to it). It could also be my age (yeah yeah). Then again maybe it has to do with the fact that I am at least 45 pounds overweight. And after my precious husband's comment last night about my needing lapband surgery, there is that  self esteem thing I've been fighting for 52 years. The minute I lie down, I begin to itch and have a general feeling of restlessness. I toss and turn. My mind races and I begin making lists mentally. And the cover is too much, but I need it, so I throw covers back and forth. It sucks. My friend gave me a funny quote yesterday that goes like this, "Embrace the suck". I DON'T WANT TO. I want to sleep. I have NEVER had trouble sleeping. I hate this. So, I say all this to say that last night I finally got up to allow Kerry a good night's sleep (why?) because he had to get to an event early this morning. I read for about an hour, then tried to relax. My mind was shutting off, but my body was still fidgeting. I went to the couch and laid down. I finally drifted off to sleep. So this morning, bright and early, Moma who was miraculously healed of her dying state woke me up with a rap on the ankles (using her bionic arm a.k.a her can) to let me know that it was time to get up. Then she proceeded to order her breakfast. I did not sign up for this.......

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