
Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Wedding

I tried to talk Sherry and Kyle out of this. I told them she could not be quiet. I told them she was very inappropriate, demanding, and extremely high maintenance. But no....Kyle wanted her there. His grandparents (mine and Sherry's parents) could not be there, so he wanted HER there. So, the preparations began. I called the hair dresser to see if she'd be willing to meet me at the beauty shop on Saturday, even though she doesn't work on Saturdays. She was. I searched through her closet for something appropriate to wear. I made preparations for someone to be here in case Kerry had to bring her home. It's like having a baby or small child
So, the day began. She walked the floors in the wee hours of the morning. I ran her back to bed twice. Then about 7:30, she woke me up. I just finally got up. Now if you know me, I am not pleasant upon arising. I don't speak, so don't expect it. I am moving by memory, no thought processes are happening, no brain activity, strictly going through the motions that I have grown accustomed to. She is talking, talking, talking. I am not responding. Finally, I wake up, and begin to speak. But today, she is lost as a goose. She has no clue what the day is, where we are going, who I am , etc. She didn't even know what her oatmeal was. Looked at it like it was something brand new. And although normally when she is confused she is very passive and sweet, but not today. No today, nothing pleases her. "This coffee is cold". "Where are we going?" "Well, I'll be glad when this mess is over". Sigh....I delivered her to the beauty shop and promised to return in one hour. We took her hair dresser a Christmas gift, but she had rambled all through it. I only hope it was all there. When I picked her up, I had to fix her lunch, and go lay out her clothes. She wanted to sit in the den while I fixed her lunch. She wanted the TV on. She wanted it on a good program. She wanted something to drink. She wanted a cookie or something sweet. Get the picture? All these requests came about 5-7 minutes apart. In other words, just as soon as I completed one task, she came up with another one. The entire time, she was WHINING about not wanting to go to the wedding/birthday party (they became interchangeable).
We had to leave early for pictures. The wedding was to be at 4:00, but for some reason, we had to be there at 2:00. I had to wake her to make her re-dress. She kept lying there, but I wouldn't leave her alone. She finally got up and begin dressing. She complained more about not wanting to go, and wanting this wedding *&^% to be over. I had to remind her that this is Kyle's big day, not hers, and she could not hurt his feelings over this. We finally head out the door. She starts telling me that this will probably be her last trip out. She said she is just past going (and I agree). As we back out of the driveway, she begins saying, "Help us Lord. Help us. Oooooh Lord..." I was about to tell her to stop it because she is such a drama queen and takes on about nothing, but I stopped when she said, "Oooooh Lord, help me. I'm about to embarrass my young'uns". I nearly wrecked the car.
We started down the mountain, and had to turn back because the Tuscaloosa Ave. Christmas parade had the road blocked. That put us behind about 15 minutes. I called Sherry and she said not to hurry, the photographer was way behind. The entire ride to Glencoe, she whined about not wanting to go, and almost in the same breath she'd ask where we were going. I counted 9 questions concerning our destination in a 12 mile radius. We arrived at the church and I ushered her in. The sanctuary was practically empty but she talked loud. I knew this was not good. She asked a million questions. She wanted some gum. She wanted water. She was miserable, and she was making me miserable. We had to move for something the photographer wanted to do (which should have been done first, but nobody asked me). Anyway, she complained about that. OH I WANTED TO SCREAM!!!! I kept saying, "I cannot kill her here! This is Kyle's wedding!" I jest, but I was so irritated with her.
Kerry and Rebekah got there just before the wedding began. Kerry was to take her into the room behind the sanctuary where she could watch the wedding, but not be heard (grunting, commenting, and hacking up a loobie). Rebekah and I sat on the back row and critiqued the event. Later, I found out that Kerry had to tackle her as she was about to knock on the window to let me know where she was. Then she kept saying that she was cold and about to pee in her pants, so he waited for the wedding party to enter the sanctuary, and he took her out. When they got outside, she said, "That was a mess. That was my first and last graduation. I ain't never coming again, I don't care who is graduating!" Kerry never corrected her. He laughed all the way home.

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

How well you painted the whole picture!!!! As funny as it was reading it, I know that she made the whole day miserable for you. I'm glad that at least she wasn't able to disrupt the wedding ceremony. I hope that you at least got her some "graduation" cake!! :)