In the morning I will be boarding a plane for San Antonio, Texas. I have never been to Texas, but have 2 internet friends from Texas. They have both warned me that it is major hot! I will be attending NECC (National Education Computing Conference) with my friend Jenny from the school system. She has to hold my hand, I don't fly well. So....a short post tonight before I hit the sack.
Moma has been totally crazy today. I mean, CRAZY!!!!!!!! She has been edging that way for the last 2 days, but she landed today. She got up and was rambling in the fridge before I could get up from the computer and get to the kitchen! Remember when she is crazy, she walks very well, rarely uses her cane, and is very "smart" to put it mildly. Her new question for everything I tell her is "How do you know?" She has tried to call Sherry all day about money. She wants her money! She needs her money! She has wagged her wallet in the pocket of her housecoat all day. In fact, she is asleep with it in her pocket. She has renamed Rebekah....she is Diane. I washed her houseshoes because she got blood on them, and she is trying to call "that womarn who took her shoes home with her to wash". She wants a telephone in her room in case she needs to call someone. It's like she is going through the terrible twos! You no sooner get one fire put out and she has started another one (figurative speaking, that is). She has been in to something all day.
I am worn out. If I didn't know better, I'd think I might sleep on the plane tomorrow. But I know better, and so does Jenny!
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