
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whistling Girls...

Erin, my great niece, and Moma's great great grandchild (the first) has learned to whistle. She was up here whistling the other night, and it reminded us of a story Moma used to tell us. When she was a little girl, she had an old maid aunt named Henrietta (Aunt Henri). She was mean and nasty and bitter toward the world, and Moma was a mischieveous little girl who knew what buttons to push to really send Aunt Henri over the edge. Anyway, I digress, Moma used to love to go aroud whistling. One day (and many days after), Aunt Henri said, "Whistling girls and crowing hens always come to some bad end!" Moma loved to hate Aunt Henri!

Not much to report this week. She has had a few episodes, but mostly good days. She seems to be less "social" during the wee hours of the morning (thank goodness), but she seems to be sleeping more.
Stay tuned....she's due.

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