
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tossing French Fries with a twist of Insurance?

Today has been strange to say the least. Moma woke up seemingly normal (for her at this juncture), ate her oatmeal, grunted a few bars, then went back to bed. I did a little house cleaning and laundry. She woke up when the vacuum cleaner started. She began to "get in the way" as she tends to do when you need to finish something. As I was vacuuming the den, I heard her in the refrigerator rambling. I stopped and went in to tell her that I would fix lunch soon, so not to eat anything. She looked at me as if I had two heads, and went right on rambling. So, I stopped what I was doing, and began to fix her lunch. The phone rang and I wasn't paying her any attention, she went back to bed and was snoring when her lunch was ready!! I was ready to scream!!! I got her up and fed her. Making sure she had everything she needed before I poured milk on the cereal I was eating for lunch (Special K Chocolately Delight...my new fav) because I refuse to be interrupted eating my cereal because I hate soggy flakes. Okay, it seemed safe. I poured the milk. "Did you put butter on this?" I sigh, get up and get the butter. Only lost seconds, maybe they are still crisp. "Is the salt on the table?" Completely undone now, I push back my chair and get up and get the salt. Back to my cereal.....soggy flakes (sigh). She doesn't care. She got what she wanted. SIDEBAR: IF YOU THINK I AM JUST BEING MEAN, REMEMBER FROM AN EARLIER POST I SAID THAT SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PRINCESS; EXPECTING HER WAY ALL THE TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS! She finishes her meal, and gets up to go to the bathroom. I know she'll be in there for an eon, so I clean up the dishes, and go get my swiffer mop thingy. I am busy as a beaver mopping up the nasty kitchen floor because she is the queen of spills, and my floor could grow potatoes from all the dirt and grime. I am about to be almost finished and she appears at the door. "Dear, could you get me this much drink (holding up two fingers about 2 inches apart)?" Instead of arguing, I go to the cabinet, get out a cup, and draw a bit of water out of the refrigerator door. I hand it to her, and she replies, "This is only enough for a sip or two". I am about to lose it at this point. I bellow, "If you will let me finish mopping, I'll fix you any amount of any thing you want! I am busy!" To which she replies, "I'm sorry I bothered you", and strolls off attempting to make me feel guilty. My subconcious is screaming...."You don't care anything about me or how hard I am working to make this arrangement work. You only care about YOU!" Instead, I just sigh. (I do that a lot). I am setting you up to see how strange the day has been.
Later on, I am getting ready to go to the grocery store. Sherry comes in and I am getting ready to leave. I warn Sherry that she is the demanding, smart alec twin today. We have appropriately named that twin Mildred. As I am leaving, she is yelling at me to give her back her checkbook.
Sherry said that Mildred remained for about 30 minutes, and all of a sudden, Millicent, the confused demented twin appeared. She wanted to know who all was her family, and who all was dead, and who would take care of distributing her things when she died. She kept saying "Who knows about my insurance?" About 1 1/2 hours later, I return. She is still Millicent, but a sadder version. She is lost and worried about being left alone. She wants us to know that everything at Forrest Cemetary is paid for. We laugh and say, "we know", and tongue in cheek say "Everything but the opening and closing of the grave, the engraving, the casket, the funeral, the flowers, etc. because she has NO life insurance and NO money!!) She told us 50 time that everything was made out to us, and we'd handle the insurance. We told her she didn't have any, to no avail. She kept saying insurance, but we later figured out she meant the burial policy, which won't pay for much of anything. After much craziness, she went to lie down.
Guess who woke up? You got it! MILDRED! Mean and nasty. At supper, I went to open her take out for her, and she started hollering, "I didn't order all those french fries". I took 3/4 of them off her plate to shut her up. When I sat down to eat, she chunked 1/2 of them onto my plate! I know that it sounds silly, but at that moment, I wanted to push her backward in that chair and mash those fries in her face! Refer back to the post called Food Fight if you are lost. I am one of those people who cannot tolerate people messing in my things, especially my food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope tomorrow is better. It's my day to stay home with her. Kerry gets to go to church this Sunday. Maybe only one twin will show up. I can't take both of them in the same day!

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