
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prayer Request

I found a wonderfully enlightening website about dementia today. Here is the link:


One part I read said:

People with moderate and advanced dementia typically need round-the-clock care and supervision to prevent them from harming themselves or others. They also may need assistance with daily activities such as eating, bathing, and dressing. Meeting these needs takes patience, understanding, and careful thought by the person's caregivers.
The emotional and physical burden of caring for someone with dementia can be overwhelming. Support groups can often help caregivers deal with these demands and they can also offer helpful information about the disease and its treatment. It is important that caregivers occasionally have time off from round-the-clock nursing demands. Some communities provide respite facilities or adult day care centers that will care for dementia patients for a period of time, giving the primary caregivers a break. Eventually, many patients with dementia require the services of a full-time nursing home.

So....if you are a praying person, please pray specifically for these things:
1. My sanity (seriously).
2. For Moma to have peaceful and COMPLETE rest at night (which means peace for my household). Now all the information I have read says that this won't happen, but MY GOD is bigger than dementia. HE can make that happen.
3. Ask God to give us as a family what we need to survive. I am taking 3 post graduate classes with many demands and deadlines. I just had roots of a tooth (former root canal and crown) dug out of my jaw which I think is infected or dry socket or something (very painful). Adult child just moved back home, and needs a job. Youngest child facing college (decisions about school, major, apt., etc. In other words...$$$), I am anemic and I have another UTI (so I feel like crap). Husband has stressful job, and he is a heart patient. All this and I work full time. Complaining? no....like I said, I know MY GOD can handle it. And I know HE will. Am I asking for a vacation? No, just a little break here and there, peace in my home, and sleep. I live by Phil. 4:6.

Thank you for being so faithful to walk with me in this journey I'm on. I am writing for Moma, me and you. You are my support group.

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