
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Need a cook?

"Can I help you cook supper?" came the soft voice at the doorway. I looked over my shoulder and saw Moma, hair everywhere, up from her nap. leaning on her cane. I said "No, thank you". She said (again from behind me), "Well honey, if I can help you do the smallest thing, I will. You tell me.....hear?" I nodded. She moved closer to me. "Don't you want me to do that?" I was stirring the green beans when I turned around and saw her with her finger crammed up her nostril to the 2nd knuckle. I said, "Not with you picking your nose, no ma'am, I do not want your help." She looked at her fingers at the same time I noticed that her fingernails had "something" underneath them. I gagged a little. I said, "Moma! You are picking your nose with fingernails that have doo doo under them!!!!!!!!!" She looked at me, and back down at her fingers. She said, "That ain't doo doo!" I said, "Well you ain't planted potatoes lately, so it ain't dirt." I made her go into the bathroom, get the nail brush and scrub, scrub, scrub. She was mouthing under her breath. She started to follow me back to the kitchen. I banished her to her room. I have to keep reminding myself....she's 4, she's 4, she's 4....................

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

You do have to be really careful about that. Dad used to have that problem sometimes. Mother would scream at him when he would reach into the ice bin with his hands instead of just pressing his glass against the lever on the fridge door to get ice automatically. Mother had ecoli in her blood several times...probably due to this problem. Hang in there.