Started back to work today. Will try to be faithful to blog, but I must admit that for my graduation, Kerry bought me a Wii. I have boxed and bowled until the muscles in my neck are strained. I got a little carried away. Kerry laughed at me until he attempted golf. I can't wait to buy another controller so I can box HIM. hehehehehe..............
Yesterday, Moma got up around 12ish and came into the kitchen where Caden was eating lunch, and said, "Well....y'all didn't go to Sunday School?" I said, "No m'am, not on Tuesday." (sigh) Then she proceeded to eat chicken fingers off Caden's plate.
Rebekah and I have been keeping Caden, my friend's little boy. It has nearly driven Moma crazy. She would ask: Who's little boy is that? Where is his momma? Did she bring him to you? Who's coming to get him? Are you taking him home? Ain't he got no momma? and on and on and on.
Today, Sherry took Moma to the beauty shop and then to her house to spend the afternoon. She came home about 4ish and said, " I ain't never goin' no where with her. She is so hateful!" lol No telling what she did to bring that on!
She ate a good supper tonight (and has been lately), but says she hurts all over. I don't know what is going on. And for some reason, she can't seem to keep her teeth in. I don't look forward to the "end" progressing.
Longest Yard Sale starts tomorrow. Thank goodness I can go to work via the interstate tomorrow, but Friday, I'll be saying bad words....................
1 comment:
Her teeth are probably not fitting right if she has lost weight. Mother's teeth did the same thing. Of course Moma eats like a horse, so it could be something else. Don't you just hate messing with her teeth!! I loved my mother, but hated putting her teeth in and out...haha.
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