
Sunday, April 12, 2009


Kerry and I were able to go to church together today. Our son came home and stayed with Moma. He was supposed to have her dressing to go eat at Kerry's mother's house when we got home, but she was sound asleep. I aroused her from a dead sleep, and had her dressed before she knew what hit her. It was like an ambush! She was digging in her drawer, and looked up and me and said, "What am I looking for?" lol As we started out the door, Kerry had her by the arm, she said, "Well I feel like I've forgotten to put something on", and she bent down and pulled her skirt up to her waist! It was precious! Kerry looked so funny. He said, "Julie, I'm gonna kill her". lol It was hilarious.
At Glenda's house, we sat her down while I fixed her plate. I was careful to put a little of everything on her plate because she is all about equality at dinner. The ONLY thing I left off was corn on the cob because she can't eat it without me cutting it off, plus she had corn salad on her plate already. I took her plate to her, and began fixing mine. When I sat down, she inspected my plate as usual, and said, "Cut me a little of your corn". As we say at school, "That's about right".
Note: Easter pictures coming!

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