
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Totally Nuts

After Moma pulled black eyed peas out of her robe pocket tonight at supper, she spoke such nonsense that a stranger would have thought she was drunk. She would say "HEY!" like a drunk, and then spout out some really crazy stuff like....."Where can I.........well, I want to know..................you know..............well SHIT! When are they gonna have that in Gadsden?" (dumbfounded look on my face) I say, "when are they gonna have what Moma?" She muttered something, then said, "awwww, it ain't a ballgame.....it's a.......awwww.....well, it's a big deal." Then her conversation turned to the ballgame. She asked where the ballgame was, how much it cost, where she could get a ticket and on and on......CRAZY! I kept trying to get her to finish eating and take her medicine, but she kept blowing me off. It was crazy!! When I finally got her to take her medicine, she swallowed her pills with her cough medicine, instead of water. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. She made ugly faces and gagged and then stuck out her tongue with 3 pills still on it. What a nutwagon!!!

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