
Monday, January 16, 2012

The Grumpy Dwarf

Moma is feeling a little bit better. This crud has just about killed all of us (a great big thanks to my sister Sherry). Dr. Robinson did send Moma out an antibiotic Friday, so she feels just enough better to be a serious grouch. She sits at the table and whines, "God help me! Help me Lord". I try to encourage her by saying that she will feel better if she eats, takes her medicine, etc. But her favorite part of being sick is the performance. She will cough cough cough (never covering her mouth), and then whine and say, "I feel so bad". (Yes, I feel your pain, I have the same thing you do) She will just sit and holler out, and moan, and whine.....when I have heard all I can take, I scoop her up and send her to bed. Between us being sick, the washer going out and the laundry piling up, I HAVE HAD IT! I feel like Snow White did when she entered that nasty little cottage. I want it all cleaned up, but unlike Snow White, I haven't the energy!

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