
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Busy Busy

Moma hasn't shut her eyes over 30 minutes at a time today!! She has just about worn me out. Every time I hear that bedroom door open, I want to scream!!

Between Rebekah and me,we came up with these proofs that Moma was NEVER taught any table manners.
1. She spits tiny left over bites of food out of her mouth into my floor.
2. She smacks when she eats.
3. She shakes the crumbs from her napkin/place mat into the kitchen floor.
4. She makes totally inappropriate remarks to people. Example: "Why is your face breaking out so bad? Don't you put anything on it? They make stuff for that now." (Rebekah gave her a look that would kill)
5. She burps and poots out loud during meals.
6. She takes her teeth out and examines them.
7. She rakes her fingers over her teeth and lets the dog lick her finger! (All together, say GROSS!!!!)
8. She coughs and hocks stuff up at the table.
9. She will not eat over the table, she leans back holding food that will crumble in the floor.
And last but not least.....
10. She complains about everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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