
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

This is a typical day in her life. Note the nice family picture....what is she doing? She is worried about the dog and what he is doing.
This morning when I announced to her that we were going to my mother-in-law's for lunch, she said, "I'm not", and I said, "Yes you are". That scenario went on about 10 minutes. Finally, Rebekah said, "Moma, today is EASTER Sunday!" She looked up at her and said,"Well, la-ti-dah". Anyway, she went with us. This is a typical picture of her behavior. Bizarre.
Note to Miley fans....she's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! After we got home today, she wanted to change her clothes and lie down because she was so tired. I knew she'd never stay down. Anyway, I was at the computer finishing up a project, when I heard the front door open. I ran to her and said, "Where are you going?" It was obvious she was in deep thought. She said to herself, ignoring me, "Let's see...there were 3 of them and I think they were in the basement at the church...or the store." Finally I got her attention. She said, "I've got to go out here and get something." Okay, I am a good sport, so I play along. I offered to go with her to help her down the stairs. But I forget that when in Miley mode, she is super woman and needs no help, walks great, and hears well. She bounded down those front steps and started to the end of the walk. I heard her say, "Let's see.....where do I go from here? Ohhh I know, I am supposed to go to the basement from inside the store." and back up the steps she went. Now you know anytime Miley appears I become about 12 years old, and everything is funny, so I asked her between giggles. "Now what was it you were going to get?" She stuttered and stammered, and said, "Well Shit! You made me forget". There were a variety of Miley sitings the rest of the day, and today my name has been Betty.
So long from Bedrock, got to get Barney to bed.

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