
Sunday, March 9, 2008


This has been a fairly normal week. Don't confuse normal with good. In other words, she has done only the usual crazy things. Nothing spectacular or adventurous. Confused, busy, and determined...that defines normal in her world. Still asks a million times what day it is or the time. Still feeds the dogs everything she can get by with. Still rearranges things all over my house. Still rambles in my things, her things, all God's children's things. Still rambles in the refrigerator and eats random items; spills stuff; and puts dirty dishes in the dish drainer or worse in the cabinets and drawers. As Rebekah says, "She is nasty".

Her psoriasis is awful. Pray for comfort, peace and healing. She claws and scratches herself to sleep each night. Her skin is so thin, I can't believe that she hasn't torn it open scratching. If there is an old family remedy out there, please email it to me! We are desperate.

When I was little girl, I remember laying on my grandmother's porch in the summer with my Madam Alexander doll and all her clothes. I had (still do) Marme from Little Women. Some lady Moma knew made me a bunch of clothes for her. I literally watched Meighan Blvd. come to life living out my summers on that porch. She would sit out there with me and play "Doodle Bug". I think the kids now call it "Punch Bug". We counted a least 4 million VW Beetles. What precious sweet memories I have with my little grandmother who has been reduced to this existence.

Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy the people that you love. They can disappear right in front of you.

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

Try taking tumeric in gel caps. Go to the peoplespharmacy.com and read about this and other home cures for psoriasis. Glad to hear Moma's week has been "normal". Hope to see you this week!