
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good walking shoes

Okay, so I got home this afternoon and my great niece was here for me to help her with her project. So....after doing the essentials, I settled down to the laptop at the table in the den. Moma was up roaming around. I kept sending Erin to check on her. Finally, I said, "Get in here and sit down. I have to help Erin and I cannot be up chasing you too". So, she chose the chair right next to me at the table. If you know me, you know that the minute I sit down, I kick off my shoes. I wasn't really paying Moma any attention, but she asked a million questions, kept rubbing her hand up and down my leg and patting me on the back.In a minute, I heard her say, "I'll bet these are goooooood walking shoes!" I looked down to see Precious wearing my Berkenstocks! Lovely......

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

I loved the birthday song!! Tell Junior that I hope that he had a good birthday too! Ha ha