
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving, and what I am most thankful for today is that my sister and her family were not seriously hurt in the wreck they had last night. They were sitting still at a red light when a lady in a Yukon rear ended them at full speed. It probably completely totaled the truck they were in. Scary.....but thankfully God was with them.
Moma had a good day. She spent the day with us at Kerry's parents' home. She ate and ate and ate. I cannot believe what all she ate. Then when we got home, she laid down for a little bit, then got up and wanted something to eat.....and nearly drove me crazy about was I going to cook supper!!! Heavens!
I made chocolate oatmeal cookies (some people call them another name) and she has worried to death that she would not get her fair share. She's had 5 since we got home!!! I don't know where all she puts that food.
Here's hoping the holiday season is wonderful for you! Tomorrow is the big shopping day! Countdown begins.

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