
Monday, April 18, 2011


Not sure what is going on; if she is weak from Saturday night's events or if this is something new. She is feeble and fragile. She is light headed and dizzy. Blood pressure and pulse are good. She asks the same question over and over within 10 minutes. She seems not to understand anything you tell her. I just don't understand what God's plan is for her. She most definitely honored her father and mother, but her days are already high in number. It sounds selfish on my part, but I do really hate seeing her this way. She tries to be funny at times, but she comes across sounding bossy or smart. She cannot hear the conversation so she interrupts, which is irritating. She just isn't my grandmother. But she is my mission....He reminds me every day.

1 comment:

cosby2 said...

God's timing is always perfect. Hang in there.