
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Alabama City Church of God

Today, Moma's church celebrated their 100th birthday. There was to be a big hoo-rah and they wanted the Precious Princess in attendance since she is their oldest living member. I tried not to mention anything about this to her because she tends to drive me crazy about stuff. So, late yesterday afternoon, I told her that I was going to roll her hair for church. She was so excited! All she talked about was going to church. Sherry came by and she told Sherry that she was going to church! She asked me like 25 times if I would wake her up and make sure she got dressed. I was singing "Beauty School Drop-out" when I was combing her out (because I am one and she was so happy I felt like singing). Life was good.
This morning, I woke her at 8:00. She claimed she could not get up and eat her breakfast. I tried to pull her up and she slammed herself back down in the bed. I sat her up and she fell over to the other side. I handed her her house shoes, she kicked them across the room. It was like waking a sleepy child (or teenager). She finally moved around enough, I guess, that she had awakened her bladder. So she had to get on her pot. I went back to finish her breakfast thinking she was coming on to the kitchen. She never did, so when I went to check on her, I found her covered up to her neck sound asleep. I pulled back the covers, sat her up and she grabbed the covers and pulled them up and fell back down into her pillow. I finally got her up and to the breakfast table. She moaned and groaned all through her oatmeal and coffee. She called Jesus for help, and kept raising her hands like she was in church. She finally finished eating and I almost never got the pills down her. She said, "Julie, I can't go to church. I've got to go back to bed". But she continued to moan and call on Jesus....so  I got up to help her. She went back to sleep until I woke her up about 9:15. It was the same scenario, but this time, she flat refused to get up. I talked to her until I was blue in the face. I reminded her about the church's celebration, and the pastor's insistence that she was there to no avail. She began flapping her arms and mumbling non-sense while shaking her head no. I walked out, and left to go to MY church.
When I came home, Kerry informed me that she was mad at me. He said she made a grand entrance in the den fully dressed ready for church at 11:00! Church started at 10:30. She ranted and raved and he sent her back to her room. When I went down there, she was in the bed with her clothes on. Since she was dressed, I offered to take her out to eat to be nice (see, I have good intentions).
Off we go to Applebees. I will not go into all the stuff she did in there, because if you are a follower, you know. So embarrassing....
But when we got home, all I could think about was a nap. Thinking she'd do the same, I changed clothes and started making ready for my nap. After 3 phone calls (2 ignored, 1 answered) I began the dizzy dozy feeling...ahhh, bliss. And then I heard the click. CRAP!!!!
Now, I know this is a long post so to shorten it a bit, I'll hit the highlights. She was a busy little beaver...IN TO EVERYTHING!!! She rambled and yakked like a 5 year old. But here are the highlights:
  • After a fight over feeding the dogs, she said, "Julie....I've seen some crazy people in this world, but you've got 'em all beat!" 
  • She called me a "damn bitch" again over feeding the dogs.
  • Opened the french doors and leaned down the steps to pick dead leaves off my plant (no rail).
  • Stood behind me in my chair and scratched the top of my head with her finger, and when I looked up, she just grinned and did one of her little smart a** laughs.
  • During the food fight, she told me that if she couldn't feed the dogs, she'd feed the chickens out there. I told her that we didn't have chickens. She said, in her smarty pants voice, "I know we don't, but the neighbors do" (NOT)
  • There is not one thing in my house that she hasn't run her fingers over.
Please pray that I don't kill her tonight. This will be funny tomorrow. Tonight....it ain't.

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