
Monday, December 14, 2009

A favorite memory

One of my favorite memories from my childhood with Moma is the Christmas play at her church. Every year, she would come pick me up and take me to her church's Christmas play. The only thing I actually remember ever happening during the program was my cousin sang "Oh Holy Night" one year. But at the end of the program every year, they handed out gifts from under the tree. Moma would always have one wrapped under the tree for me. It would thrill my soul when they called my name to come up and get my gift. I can still see the insides of that old church. What precious memories.


cosby2 said...

I have some of the same memories at our church that we grew up in. We always had a Wednesday night supper before Christmas(always lots of yummy dishes) and then sing Christmas carols. The highlight of the night was when Santa would show up and hand out gift bags (usually filled with candy, fruit, etc) to the children and adults too. Many of the seniors seemed as excited as we did to receive their bag. Of course the best part of this memory was being there with my mom, dad, and sister. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and make some more memories.

Julie Payne said...


Lisa said...

I remember all those times too! Some very special memories also were spent at your home on Christmas after I moved to North Carolina. Your Mom always had some special things under the tree for me. Some of my fondest memories were Christmas in Alabama. I actually picked up some of her habits. I think that I always have to have extra gift items in my home just in case.