
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moma Recycles

Today has been one of her "terrible twos" days. She was in to EVERYTHING, argued about everything, bossed and resisted everything we said. But the stupidest thing of all was the argument we had over stupid grocery bags.
I came in from the grocery store, and put up groceries like I ALWAYS do. I hang one bag over a chair, and put boxes and packages that I empty in that. Now another little thing I do is tie a knot in the bags that have cans or heavy items in them. You have to rip them open to get them unloaded, so obviously I throw them away, in this bag hanging over the chair. Moma said,"Don't throw them bags away!" I told her that they were torn. She argued that she needed them for her room. I told her, even walked to the pantry and SHOWED her where I keep the bags that we save. I assured her there were plenty of bags! I continued putting up groceries, and she went right behind my back and started digging through the bag hanging over the chair to take out the stupid bags! I snatched the bag up, tied a knot in it and carried it out to the big garbage can out back. As I left the room, she mumbled the usual, "Smart Ass". UGH!!!!!

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