Moma has developed a nasty cold. She is very hoarse and coughs a good bit. I hate to think she may get pneumonia or the flu again. She sounds very grouchy with her raspy voice, even if she isn't.
Last night I had to wake her up to eat supper. She came to the supper table very confused and out of it. She took note of the clothes I had hanging on the doorway drying. (Now, these were Rebekah's clothes; clothes for a YOUNG person). Moma said, "Is that my black blouse?" I shook my head. She repeated it louder. "IS THAT MY BLACK BLOUSE?" I said, "No! It is Rebekah's". She looked bewildered. "Rebekah's?" I nodded my head. "WELL WHAT HAVE I GOT?" she blurted out in her little squawky voice. When I asked her what did she mean, she responded, "Well I ain't got nothing!" I politely told her that I had washed Rebekah's things and was drying them in the doorway because I don't put them in the dryer. She still didn't understand, but she accepted it. Then, she said, "Who is going to sleep with me tonight?" I went through the whole conversation about her having her own room at my house and everyone having their own bed. She said, "Well, who has my money?" (ugh, I hate this conversation) Again, I reminded her that her check goes straight to the bank and that we have to write checks when we need to pay for something (she is not ready for the debit card theory). She said, smirking, "Well, I need me some money. It's Christmas, and I like to have a little money". I told her that I understood but reminded her that I had purchased all the gifts from her, wrapped them, and we gave them out last weekend at our family Christmas party. She then smirked again, and said (in her most sarcastic voice) "Well I didn't get a DAMN thing!" I began listing the things she got. "Well, where are they?" This went on for quite some time. I was getting worn out just listening to her. But when she began to complain about how bad she felt, I pushed her medicine cup at her and said, "Take your medicine and go lie down if you feel bad". She jerked her head up and said, " You only want me to take all that mess 'cause you hope it'll kill me!" (WHAT?) I argued with her that I didn't want to kill her, if I did, I would have already. I told her that I really didn't care if she ever took another pill, that was up to her. Then, she did a reverse on me....."You don't want me to take it because I'll keep living!" (again, WHAT?) Good Lord! I told her that was not true and I only wanted her to take her medicine because that is what the doctor ordered her, but she could decide that. She said, "Tell me you want me to live......" I said, "Moma! I want you to live BUT if you don't trust me to give you the right medicine, then I don't want you to take it! Now, take it or don't, I'm through with this conversation!" She took it. I knew she would. She started back to her room and I made the mistake of offering her cough medicine. She screamed "NONONONONONONO!!! I'm going to bed!" Does she not think that I am smart enough to know other ways if I really wanted her gone?? lol If it didn't wear me out arguing with her, I'd laugh.
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