Merry Christmas to all.....and to all a good night!
Today was very uneventful in the daily ramblings of my grandmother. She behaved herself well for the most part, and the day was a happy one. Although it was a bit cloudy, so she kept telling me how awful she felt. She does that when the weather is dreary. I guess she feels dreary...and I totally understand because I do too. Weather really affects my mood and attitude.
Son came home today. Wish he'd stayed with us last night, but I am so tired of sweating the small stuff. It just isn't worth it in the great scheme of things. Can't control my life, much less his.
I love Christmas! I don't want to be one of those who says constantly, "I'll be glad when it is over", but I am glad it is over. ONLY because keeping her in a routine makes life peaceful and even keel. I must be just like her, because I really need structure and a routine. Change is something that I have had to learn to handle, and unfortunately, she is a princess, and never had to deal with change. She never allowed it. So any change to her routine is mind boggling for her.
Today, she asked Kerry if he had seen Milton (my grandfather who passed away in 1982). The only other time I can remember her even mentioning him since the dementia is about a week ago, in her sleep. She cried out, "Help me, Milton! Help me!" I didn't think much of it since, "Help me" is part of her battle cry every day many times a day, but she is usually referring to Jesus. They say when the elderly start seeing the dearly departed, the end is near. She has asked where my momma is several times, but I thought she had me and Bek mixed up. She mentions her sisters alot, and calls her Momma for help in her sleep some, but she has yet to mention my precious daddy and his brother, Billie. Now when she starts asking about them, I will bolt! When Mother was in the hospital, she said to me on my return from the snack bar, "Was your Daddy down there?" I FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!! Just can't handle talk of my Daddy. Sherry will be taking care of Moma while Kerry puts me in Mountain View for mental help. I know that without the grace of God, I'd be in an institute for emotional and mental instability.
But praise God, He keeps my feet on the ground. I have nothing to worry about (Phil. 4:6).
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