
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sometimes you just have to throw things

Today is one of those days that I need to throw things. So I just threw a handful of hangers across a room, but that wasn't good enough because nothing broke so I took a plastic one and threw it against the closet doors, and it popped into 2 pieces. I sighed, satisfied for now. To say that my life is a pile of poop is an understatement. If I could report on all the people in my life that make me crazy, this would be a REAL funny blog, but I have to keep peace with the group so I cannot report on their madness. My spirits were lifted this week when I got a card in the mail from my best friend in the world, Lisa Frazier Huffman. She is praying for peace in my life. Oh, how precious her friendship is to me. She will never know.
Let me report on the little princess' week. I had a substitute sitter Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Moma loves this gal, Penny. But Penny doesn't argue with her like Connie does. Penny lets Moma think she is right. (ha, wish I could do that). So the first part of the week was fairly uneventful. Thursday afternoon, I came home and the Hospice Chaplin was here. I never know what she might say to him, so I try to say within an earshot. She kept interrupting him while he was reading the Bible to her. He had no sooner got out of the driveway when the social worker called and wanted to come by. Moma had already gone and laid down so I told her YES it was fine for her to come! (Just my little happy, for all the misery she deals me). The social worker always sings and plays the piano for Mildred. She came in with a very hoarse voice saying that she could not sing, but she would play for Moma. But that wasn't good enough for the princess. She wanted both. So Cindy would start to sing, and Precious would say, "Can't nobody hear you, sing LOUD". She would not accept Cindy telling her that she couldn't. She would say, "You may as well hush, I can't hear you" "SANG LOUD" Poor Cindy then decided that she would just sing, and not play, so Mildred could hear her. "Can't you play that piano? Play and SANG!!" I recorded a bit of it, I may try to post it, so stay tuned.
Then today has been Paranoia Saturday. "Why don't you pour me some of that?" (Well, you don't drink Dr. Pepper, you said it burns your throat) "Why didn't you give that to me?" (What?) "That candy" (It isn't candy, it is a slim jim with cheese) "Well y'all sure did cut mime short" (We cut her sandwich in half) On and on.......She is in need of a road trip. Who wants her?

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