
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mildred the Grouch (Oscar ain't got nothing on her)

Several times I have caught myself saying "I couldn't hate her more right now". That is horrible, but please note, it is a perfectly NORMAL feeling when you live with an elderly person with dementia. Don't guilt yourself out. Embrace it. I saw my former neighbor today, and she asked about Moma. "How in the world do you cope?" she asked. Without batting an eye, I said, "I drink". I should have added, "I cuss too". This past few days has been BAD. She  has been awful. I am just not up to sharing all the specific details, so I am going to list some things for you to illustrate her crabbiness.
  • Sticking out her tongue at me every time I correct her.
  • Put her fingers in her ears while Rebekah and I were trying to reason with her, and saying "nanananananananananananananananananananananaananananananana" 
  • Griping about not having food as good as everyone else's. (She had a junior cheeseburger)
  • Questioning why she was served tea and everyone else had Dr. Pepper. (I am the only one who had Dr. Pepper, my family drinks tea with meals. I don't like it.) I wanted to say, "Because I poisoned the tea!"
  • Peeing in her pants on purpose and then screaming at me to get her some more clothes.
  • Accused me of treating her like "she ain't got no sense". (She doesn't)
  • Told the nurse not to believe anything I say because I am a damn liar.
  • Also told the nurse that she felt "Won-da-ful" and when I questioned her about her dizzy spells and complaining of something being bad wrong, she said, "Awww I just tell you that".
  • FeedingthedogsFeedingthedogsFeedingthedogsFeedingthedogsFeedingthedogs!!!!!!!
  • Greedy more than ever with food
  • Hit Shula with the cane when I told her not to feed him, and screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
  • Lied and told Rebekah that we had not gotten her a sandwich, wanting Rebekah to share hers. (Rebekah came in late from practice)
  • Ate pizza that she HATES for spite because I told her she had already eaten when Christopher fixed his lunch. She took her sweet time eating, and looking at me with that smirk as if to say,  "Watch me"
There are several more things that I simply cannot remember because she is wearing me out. I have to go back to work tomorrow and dread it for the first time since I have been in middle school. But the ONE precious thing about tomorrow, is that Connie will be here and I won't (and Moma doesn't like Connie) SWEET!


Ashley said...

gotta love that "watch me" face. ugh! i know exactly what you mean :)

Ashley said...

PS... Thanks for blogging so I have something to read during late night feedings :)