
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Now I Know What Really Went On....

The longer I am home from our NC win (moment of silence in honor of my AU Tigers), I am learning about things Moma said and did while I was gone.

One night, she had asked for diapers over and over and had been given 5 within a couple of hours. Kerry jumped her and asked her if she was eating them. Her reply, "I wish. I ain't the only one using them!" Kerry asked what she was talking about. She explained, "They come to me wanting them, and I feel sorry for them, so I give them some. You want me to send them to you the next time?" "Yes" he answered. LOL

Kerry had to take her soup away from her because she was letting the dog lick out of the bowl. While his back was turned at the sink, she threw the spoon at him. Nice.

Nice to know that while you are away, things progress as usual. I didn't miss it one bit.

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