
Friday, May 6, 2011

Early to rise

This morning while I was getting ready for school, Moma emerged from her bedroom brand new. She was confused and feeble. She wanted breakfast. I assured her that I would fix her some oatmeal just as soon as I finished getting ready for work. She went back into her room. I heard some moving around, but thought nothing of it because she likes to ramble through her drawers. Then the door closed. I figured she had given up and gone back to bed. I was stepping into my pants when her door opened and out she stepped fully clothed head to toe. She had on a suit, stockings and her dress shoes. I nearly fell out of my pants leg. "Well, Sunshine....where are you going?" I asked. She said, "Well, I didn't want to stay in my gown all day. I've just been dropped off here, and I didn't want them to think I didn't have any clothes." (Okay, WHO dropped you off?) It was precious! I fixed the little woman some breakfast. God love her.

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