
Monday, November 8, 2010

May be a Repeat

This may be a repeat of a previous post, but it is worth a repeat. Christopher and I were at the table the other day while Moma was "busy" nosing through everything on the counters, grunting. I told him that her rambling makes me the craziest of all the crap she does. He made the point that her bossing him drives him crazy. So we began making a list, out loud, while she stood behind us rambling and grunting. So here it is:
  • bossing (Hey! Let that dog out)
  • grunting (uh uh uh uh uh every time she breathes)
  • rambling and nosing through our things
  • moving and rearranging things (a little different from just rambling, but just as annoying)
  • when she says "I ain't never seen one like that"
  • letting the dog in and out, repeatedly
  • talking in her sleep (I ain't gone do it!)
  • lying (I ain't feeding that dog)
  • getting in the refrigerator (I'm a looking for my sandwich I put in here)
  • stealing (for example: she takes pictures out of my frames, she washes my cute little flower pots and puts them in her room, she even washed Christopher's ash tray and took it)
  • following everything I say with "What?" or "huh?"
  • getting on the kick of who handles her money and who pays her tithes
  • her dying act
  • NOT sleeping at night, walking the floors
  • the sound of the click of that dreaded cane
  • getting right down in your ear to say something "cute"
  • feeding the dogs
  • always thinking today is Sunday
  • abusing the ice dispenser on the refrigerator door
  • when she asks you for something, if you do not respond immediately, she attempts it on her own
  • being nasty (no details, but you can imagine the millions of ways this occurs)
  • using and over-using paper products
  • obsessing over things
The list could go on and on, but we finally quit when the food she got out of the trash can had to be wrestled out of her hands and thrown away. Whew....that felt good. 

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