
Sunday, August 15, 2010


This morning Mildred is crazy as a "run over dog" (to quote Jay Dowdy). She got up stomping around while Kerry was in the shower. I got up to find her in the refrigerator with a pudding cup in her hand. As I rounded the corner, she looked up and said, "What's this?" UGHHHHHH!!!! She had already poured her some coffee and put milk in it. I decided to just let her eat that for her breakfast. I opened the pudding, popped a spoon in it, and slammed it on the table, yanked out a chair and screeched "SIT DOWN". (I hate her today). Now, you might ask....If she is capable of pouring coffee, putting milk in it and choosing pudding, what is the problem with her being in your refrigerator?" BECAUSE SHE IS CRAZY! She might do okay today, but tomorrow she may spill milk all over the floor, mop it up with my dish towel and hang it back up. To further justify my reasoning for not wanting her in my refrigerator or doing anything else on her own. Read on....

She went to bed after her pudding treat, but was up again, in less than 30 minutes. She wanted the rest of the coffee...then a banana....and then 2 pieces of candy.....I was ready to kill her! But I walked away to let her eat her treats on her own. I stepped back into the kitchen to check on her, and there she was taking off her diaper. "What are you doing?" She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "they're wet!" I wanted to flip her backwards out of that chair, but instead, I said, "Moma! We do that kind of thing in the bathroom". She stood up, held out her hands and said, "I'm sitting down!" Make sense out of that......It's going to be a very crazy day. I can tell. Ugh!

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