
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I had to go to a conference today in Birmingham. When I got home, Moma had been talking smart to Sue again. So I told Kerry on her.
During supper, Kerry told her she could not have more chocolate milk (while I got up to fix it anyway) because she had been ugly to the sitter again. She gave him the same argument she gave me previously that "she talks smart to me" and "she started it". He said, "Well, you cannot run this sitter off because we don't have anyone else to stay with you, and you will have to go into a nursing home". OH ME! She went into a spasm. Remember that when I threaten this, she blows me off. She begged him to stop threatening her with that. She said that before she'd go into the nursing home, she'd ask God to take her home (like its HER plan, time, way, will, hour, etc.). He was not being ugly to her, and reassured her that we were not mad at her, but we wanted her to be very careful not to make Sue mad or hurt her feelings. She said, "I didn't know she was running and telling on me every time I say something to her!" Kerry finished his "lecture" with her, and went out on the deck to receive a cell call.
In just a minute, he came in and said, "Get Moma and come here!" I took her out on the deck and Kerry carried her out to the edge and showed her a double rainbow. It arched way over into the next street and had another rainbow on top about half that size. When he pointed it out, she immediately clasped her hands together and started grinning from ear to ear. "OH ITS A RAINBOW!" she said, obviously tickled to death to see it! As we stood there, I was fighting the lump in my throat, watching her delight in this glorious sight, she called my name. "Julie....what is it they say.....I mean....what does a rainbow mean? I can't remember". My heart sank. She has forgotten something she has reminded me of all my life. When I told her, she said, "Oh yeah...I forgot". How sad that this little ambassador for our Lord has forgotten one of his promises. I am praying that God does not tarry.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

...and I felt a lump in my throat as I read.....